Michael Panzner

Ready for the big event—the Miami Book Fair!

Michael Panzner — Ready for the 2024 Miami Book Fair!

Ready for the big event—the Miami Book Fair! Exciting News! In a few weeks, I’ll be part of one of the publishing world’s biggest events—the Miami Book Fair! I’m thrilled to showcase my children’s books and connect with readers from all over the US (and beyond) at Writer’s Row. If you’re a book lover and will be in downtown Miami the weekend before Thanksgiving, come say hi! Let’s chat, share stories, and get inspired. Can’t wait to meet fellow book enthusiasts and make this event unforgettable! See you there! Where to buy Publisher Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop.org

태권 캥거루: 아기 캥거루 구출 대작전 Taekwon Kangaroos: Baby Kangaroo Grand Rescue Operation (The Taekwonderoos: Rescue at Rattling Ridge – Korean Edition)

태권 캥거루: 아기 캥거루 구출 대작전 Taekwon Kangaroos: Baby Kangaroo Grand Rescue Operation (The Taekwonderoos: Rescue at Rattling Ridge – Korean Edition)

태권 캥거루: 아기 캥거루 구출 대작전 Taekwon Kangaroos: Baby Kangaroo Grand Rescue Operation (The Taekwonderoos: Rescue at Rattling Ridge – Korean Edition) Hop into an action-packed adventure with George, Brianna and Jackson, kangaroo friends who are masters of taekwondo. When they spot a frightened joey trapped at the top of treacherous Rattling Ridge, the three Taekwonderoos spring into action, using their kicking, jumping and spinning skills to navigate cliffs, boulders and ravines on a daring rescue mission. This thrilling tale of bravery celebrates how courage, quick-thinking, and teamwork can overcome any challenge. 우리 함께 모험을 떠나봐요! 태권 캥거루 조지, 브리아나, 잭슨과 함께 흥미진진한 모험을 떠나보세요. 위험한 절벽 꼭대기에서 두려움에 떨고 있는 아기 캥거루를 발견하고 우리의 태권도 고수 세 친구가 활동을 개시합니다. 발차기, 점프, 회전 기술을 사용하여 절벽과 바위덩이와 계곡을 오르내리며 아슬아슬한 구출 작전을 펼칩니다. 용감한 세 캥거루 친구 이야기를 통해 용기와 빠른 판단과 협동으로 어떤 어려움도 해결할 수 있다는 것을 배웁니다. Praise for The Taekwonderoos from the Midwest Book Review: Original, clever, and a delightfully fun and novel read from start to finish, “The Taekwonderoos: Rescue at Rattling Ridge” by author/storyteller Michael Panzner and artist/illustrator Lora Look is especially and unreservedly recommended for family, daycare center, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book collections for children ages 3-8. “작가이자 이야기꾼인 마이클 팬즈너와 화가 겸 삽화가인 로라 룩이 함께 한 ‘태권 캥거루: 아기 캥거루 구출 대작전’은 처음부터 끝까지 독창적이고 기발하며 재미와 참신함을 동반한 이야기입니다. 특히 3~8세 아동을 둔 가정이나 어린이집, 유치원, 초등학교, 지역 도서관의 아동 그림책 컬렉션으로 자신있게 추천합니다.” ―미드웨스트 북 리뷰(Midwest Book Review) Praise for The Taekwonderoos from AAU Taekwondo: We love the book! “이 책 정말 재미있어요!” ―AAU 태권도 Where to buy Publisher Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop.org

The Sunny Day Squad: The Quest for the Caringstone

The Sunny Day Squad: The Quest for the Caringstone

The Sunny Day Squad: The Quest for the Caringstone Join The Sunny Day Squad – Ollie the monkey, Poppy the puppy, Daisy the rabbit, and Ted the horse – on a heroic journey from Gaggle Grove to find the fabled Caringstone, a magical gem that can make the saddest child smile. Using their unique talents, the four friends work together to overcome obstacles, solve problems, and spread joy. This heartwarming tale celebrates the power of friendship, bravery, and perseverance – a perfect story for bedtime…or anytime! Where to buy Publisher Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop.org

The Taekwonderoos: Rescue at Rattling Ridge​

The Taekwonderoos: Rescue at Rattling Ridge (cover)

The Taekwonderoos: Rescue at Rattling Ridge​ Hop into an action-packed adventure with George, Brianna and Jackson, kangaroo friends who are masters of taekwondo. When they spot a frightened joey trapped at the top of treacherous Rattling Ridge, the three Taekwonderoos spring into action, using their kicking, jumping and spinning skills to navigate cliffs, boulders and ravines on a daring rescue mission. This thrilling tale of bravery celebrates how courage, quick-thinking, and teamwork can overcome any challenge. Praise for The Taekwonderoos from the Midwest Book Review: Original, clever, and a delightfully fun and novel read from start to finish, “The Taekwonderoos: Rescue at Rattling Ridge” by author/storyteller Michael Panzner and artist/illustrator Lora Look is especially and unreservedly recommended for family, daycare center, preschool, elementary school, and community library picture book collections for children ages 3-8. Here’s the link: https://www.midwestbookreview.com/cbw/jan_24.htm#picturebook Where to buy Publisher Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop.org

Josie, Johnnie and Rosie and the Ocean Rescue!

Josie, Johnnie and Rosie and the Ocean Rescue!

Josie, Johnnie and Rosie and the Ocean Rescue! Follow the adventure of three wonderful friends – a little girl and twin unicorns – who journey to the beach and end up saving a family of fish. After rescuing them, the trio realizes the sea and the sand also need their help, and they join with others to clean things up. Aided by special unicorn magic, they restore nature’s beauty and show how to make our world a better place. Where to buy Publisher Amazon Barnes & Noble Bookshop.org